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Warm Wishes for PFE Faculty and Staff

As the holiday season approaches, it's the perfect time to express our gratitude for the exceptional dedication and hard work of the Park Forest Elementary teachers and staff. The tireless commitment they exhibit contributes greatly to the success and well-being of our school community.

Here are two wonderful ways you can show your appreciation:

1. Leave a Heartfelt Message: Take a moment to share your warm wishes and words of appreciation for our teachers and staff. Your messages will be compiled and printed out, creating a heartfelt collection that will be placed in the teacher's lounge. Your kind words will surely brighten their day and serve as a reminder of the positive impact they have on our children.

2. Sponsor a Teacher's Lunch on December 20th: In addition to your warm wishes, you have the opportunity to go a step further and contribute to the special luncheon hosted by the PTO on December 20th. Consider paying for a teacher or staff member's lunch by filling out the form below. With just a $6.00 donation per ticket, you can ensure they enjoy a delicious meal as a token of our collective appreciation.


Warm Wishes

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Select an item ($)

Thank you for supporting our event!

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